Making a complaint
Complaints we consider
The NSO can consider complaints on many issues, including:
- Student safety and wellbeing, including gender-based violence, discrimination, racism, antisemitism and islamophobia
- Student enrolment and exclusion
- Student applications for special consideration
- Providers changes to course structures
- Providers complaint and appeal procedures
- Providers failure to clearly explain their decisions.
If you are a student and you are not satisfied with the way your higher education provider handled your complaint, or you are unable to complain directly to your provider, you can talk to us.
This includes international and Higher Degree Research Students.
Making a complaint via our form
Our online form can be completed anywhere, anytime.
You will need to select “University or Higher Education Provider" from the first drop down “What is your contact about”.
The form will ask for your personal details, as well as details about the complaint.
You will need to provide enough information for us to understand your complaint and decide on how to proceed.
Complaints we do not consider
- Complaints related to a VET course
- Academic judgement, for example the grade you are awarded
- Complaints related to an individuals' employment with a higher education provider
- Complaints related to the appointment of a person to an office of a higher education provider
- Complaints related to education providers who are not Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) registered
Our complaint process
The NSO has a ‘no wrong door’ approach. Students can contact us to seek information, advice or to lodge a complaint.
We practice a trauma informed approach to complaint handling and provide a safe person-centred experience to support your wellbeing.
When you contact us, we will:
- gather information about your concerns
- seek to understand what outcomes you are hoping to achieve, and what actions you have already taken
- empower you with information and options for next steps
- provide progress updates as we work through your complaint, and notify you on what steps we’ve taken
- work with you on the most appropriate resolution option, possibly alternative dispute resolution, restorative engagement or a formal investigation
- communicate outcomes and recommendations with you and your higher education provider.
Students are protected from reprisals, and threats of reprisals, for making a complaint.
It is an offence for a provider to take a reprisal against a student, and there are criminal and financial penalties.
If you have experienced reprisal, we will take this seriously and work with you to consider appropriate actions.
Complaint outcomes
Outcomes will vary based on the uniqueness of each complaint, and what each student is hoping to achieve as a result of contacting the NSO. All outcomes will be procedurally fair.
We will clearly explain the outcome to students and higher education providers.
To resolve complaints, we can recommend that higher education providers:
- formally apologise and acknowledge actions
- change or reconsider a decision
- provide students with further information
- improve their policy or procedures
- engage in an alternative dispute resolution process, including restorative engagement
- take some other form of action specific to your complaint.
Some complaints will result in no recommendations or suggestions coming from us and others will result in our recommendations being implemented to make positive changes to policy or procedure.
Our outcomes may provide the basis for enforcement action by the regulator of higher education providers, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).
The outcomes and recommendations also help us to identify and address systemic issues across the sector.
If we cannot assist you with your concerns or complaint, there are other Ombudsman or organisations that may be able to help, such as:
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission investigate and conciliate discrimination and human rights complaints. You can contact them on 1300 369 711.
Australian Skills Quality Authority
The Australian Skills Quality Authority is the national regulator for vocational education and is responsible for ensuring the quality and integrity of national qualifications issued by registered training organisations. You can contact them on 1300 644 844.
Fair Work Ombudsman
The Fair Work Ombudsman monitors, inquires into, investigates, and enforces compliance with Australia’s workplace laws. You can complain to the Fair Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94.
Commonwealth Ombudsman
The Commonwealth Ombudsman provide assurance that the agencies and entities they oversee act with integrity and treat people fairly. You can complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 1300 362 072.
State/Territory Ombudsman
Students who raise a matter with their State or Territory Ombudsman office, may be referred to the NSO, and in other instances the local Ombudsman office will continue to manage the matter.
- Australian Capital Territory Ombudsman - (02) 5117 3650
- New South Wales Ombudsman - 1800 451 524
- Northern Territory Ombudsman - 1800 806 380
- Queensland Ombudsman - (07) 3005 7000
- South Australian Ombudsman - (08) 7322 7020/1800 182 150 (outside metro SA)
- Tasmania Ombudsman - 1800 001 170
- Victorian Ombudsman - 1800 806 314
- Western Australian Ombudsman - 1800 117 000